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Below are 2024-2025 tuition rates:


2-day programs for 3-year-old preschoolers
All 3-year-old children must be potty trained by first day of preschool!

Monday and Wednesday: 8:40–11:25 am

  • $150 per month (tuition)

  • $50 registration fee  

  • $50 snack fee


Tuesday and Thursday: 8:40–11:25 am

  • $150 per month (tuition)

  • $50 registration fee 

  • $50 snack fee


Scholarship Information

Scholarships from Our Redeemer Lutheran Preschool may be available upon request.


4-day programs for 4 or 5-year-old preschoolers

Monday thru Thursday: 8:30–11:30 am

  • Registration and snack fees are waived for 4-year-olds however donations for snack costs are appreciated.

  • Tuition = Free for children who are 4 by Sept. 15th (if no Statewide Voluntary Preschool Program Grant available or if your child is 5-years-old by Sept. 15th or lives outside the state of Iowa—tuition will be $300 per month)

  • $50 registration fee for 5-year-olds only

  • $100 snack fee for 5-year-olds only


Monday thru Thursday: 12:30–3:30 pm

  • Registration and snack fees are waived for 4-year-olds however donations for snack costs are appreciated.

  • Tuition = Free for children who are 4 by Sept. 15th (if no Statewide Voluntary Preschool Program Grant available or if your child is 5-years-old by Sept. 15th or lives outside the state of Iowa—tuition will be $300 per month )

  • $50 registration fee for 5-year-olds only

  • $100 snack fee for 5-year-olds only

Give us a call

563-588-1247 x110



Registration is now open for everyone!

Please call the preschool office at 588-1247 ext. 110, email the preschool:, stop by to pick up registration information, or registration materials are available below.

Please note: Our Morning & Afternoon 4-year-old programs are full.  Both 3-year-old sections have multiple spots available.

Forms are available to download and print to register your preschooler. Email to or mail to:

Our Redeemer Preschool 

2145 JFK Road 

Dubuque, IA  52002

2024-2025 Brochure and Registration Form

All 3-year-old & 5-year-old fees are due when you register (registration fee, snack fee, & tuition). There are no fees for 4-year-old preschool.

Required Forms


A variety of forms are required for registration. You may download the needed forms below:

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