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Statement of Purpose


Our Redeemer Preschool is dedicated to providing children with Early Childhood experiences to supplement those learned at home. Our Preschool offers young children (ages 3-5) a Christian setting in which to grow, to learn, and to develop physically, spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, and socially.


Our Redeemer Preschool is a non-profit Christian preschool licensed by the State of Iowa. It complies with all the standards set forth by the Department of Human Services and the Iowa Quality Preschool Program Standards.

Our Redeemer Preschool provides:

  • Jesus-centered teaching

  • Excellent certified staff

  • Low student / teacher ratio

  • Age appropriate activities

  • Hands-on experiences

Our Redeemer Preschool curriculum is designed to:

  • Help each child grow spiritually, socially, physically, emotionally, and intellectually

  • Provide a hands-on learning experience

  • Assist each child in developing a good self image

  • Foster trust and respect for the rights of others

  • Develop and refine intellectual and social skills

  • Encourage kindergarten readiness

  • Develop large and small muscle groups, create a loving, caring and sharing attitude

  • Provide a Christian setting and approach to the whole child in all areas of learning


Our Redeemer Preschool uses Creative Curriculum and Teaching Strategies Gold as a guide on room arrangement, developmental areas of focus, and as a way to assess our students. A chapel service is also held weekly by a Pastor from Our Redeemer Church.


In The News:


FALL 2024

Registration for Fall 2024 is currently open. Please call the preschool office at 588-1247 ext. 110 or stop by to pick up registration information. Materials are also available on our website registration page.

We still have openings in both 3-year-old classes but our morning and afternoon 4-year-old classes are full.


You may call or email to schedule a tour during the school year.  You can also go to the page labeled Classrooms to see photos of our 2 classrooms as they may look during the school year.  We're proud of our programs and facilities and would love to show them to you.

“Jesus is the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd lays down His life for His sheep.”

–John 10:11 

Our Redeemer Preschool is dedicated to providing children with Early Childhood experiences to supplement those learned at home.  Our Preschool offers young children a Christian setting in which to grow, to learn, and to develop physically, spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, and socially.​

Preschool Facilities

Our Redeemer Lutheran Preschool is a Christian Preschool offering a Christ centered, cross-focused education to students ages 3–5. Our Redeemer Lutheran Preschool, which is sponsored by Our Redeemer Lutheran Church and is licensed by the Iowa State Department of Health and Social Services, began in September 1971 as a response to a request for a Christian Preschool and provides an education, which makes known the love of Christ Jesus.

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